Wyoming Nurses Association

Legislative Session Underway and Website Updates

Posted 6 months ago by Kara Beech in News

The 2024 Legislative Session will get underway on Monday, February 12, 2024.  There are 156 House Bills, 5 House Resolutions, 89 Senate Files and 1 Resolution that have been filed.  Members will find all of this information under the Policy & Advocacy tab on the WNA Website.  

The WNA Policy Committee led by WNA Lobbyist Toni Decklever and WNA President-Elect Jennifer Rasp-Vaughn have held meetings to review proposed legislation and determine WNAs position and how it aligns with the Strategic Plan.  The 2024 Legislative Watch List can be found HERE. Advocacy Alerts have also been compiled for three important pieces of legislation.

2.7.2024 Advocacy Alert - Protection of Health Care Providers

2.7.2024 Advocacy Alert - Medicaid 

2.11.2024 Advocacy Alert - Prior Authorization Regulations

Updates will be sent to members as legislation progresses.  Please forward information to your co-workers and community members.  Direct any questions to tonisrn@gmail.com or director@wyonurse.com.