Wyoming Nurses Association

Make-A-Wish Wyoming Needs Your Help!

Posted 5 months ago by Kara Beech in General Announcements

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Make-A-Wish Wyoming is hoping to work with the members of the Wyoming Nurses Association to grant the wish of every Wyoming child who has been diagnosed with a critical illness. They hope that if you are aware of any children who may be eligible to receive a wish, you will consider referring that child to Make-A-Wish Wyoming to have their wish granted. To do this, you can visit wyoming.wish.org or call 307-234-9474.

Research indicates that children whose wishes are granted can build the physical and emotional strength they need to fight a critical illness. They hope the wish experience will also improve their quality of life and ultimately produce better health outcomes. Wishes can also give children a renewed sense of energy and strength, bring families closer and make an impact on an entire community.

To be eligible to receive a wish, a child:

  • Must be older than 2.5 and younger than 18 years old at the time of the referral.
  • Must have a critical (not necessarily terminal) illness that is placing their life in jeopardy at the time of the referral.
  • Must not have had a wish granted by Make-A-Wish or any other wish-granting organization.

Make-A-Wish serves children with a variety of conditions, and included a quick reference sheet for those. If you know of a child who may be eligible to receive a wish, please visit wyoming.wish.org or call 307-234-9474. Before you refer a child, we ask that you check with the family. During this conversation, it is important to mention that a child does not have to have a terminal diagnosis to be eligible for a wish and that a referral will begin the medical eligibility determination process. 

If you have any questions about referring a child to receive a wish, please reach out to Michele Llyod, Program Services & Volunteer Manager at mlloyd@wyoming.wish.org.  She is happy to answer any questions you may have.